Hot Sale Indoor Led Display Screen

Sunshine Display’s indoor LED screen is fabricated utilizing the most astounding quality LED segments, offering shocking brilliance, difference and shading multiplication.

Our indoor LED screens are accessible with the accompanying pixel pitch alternatives:

3.5mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7.62mm, 10mm

The littler the pixel pitch (remove between every pixel) the higher the determination and nearer the viewer can be remained to the screen. Each of our indoor LED screens are transported in module design permitting you the adaptability to make screens of any size. Alternatives for front or back administration get to are accessible relying upon your establishment.

This will as a rule be more than adequate for corporate and retail applications, yet under high surrounding shine conditions, higher brilliance might be required for perceivability. Design and automobile expos are two cases of high-brilliance arrange lighting that may require higher LED splendor. On the other hand, when a screen may show up in a shot on a TV studio set, the necessity will regularly be for lower splendor levels with lower shading temperatures (basic presentations have a white purpose of 6500 to 9000 K, which is much bluer than the basic lighting on a TV creation set).

Sunshine Display System possesses and works a scope of indoor and open air LED screens that is accessible for rental and contract purposes. Every one of the screens are enlisted with equipped team and all other occasion hardware that is required to work the screens.

LED screens are perfect to use for any open air seeing; they are really intended to be unmistakable in splendid daylight and have obviously better clarity than consistent screens. They are awesome for substantial presentations or huge screens and are brighter than LCD screens, and along these lines are more impactful and viable.

Having a LED screen at an occasion is additionally a straightforward and moderately simple procedure to complete in light of the fact that the LED screens are made of individual boards that can be flawlessly assembled, the screens themselves are sturdy and powerful intended for more continuous taking care of and transportation.


Television studio

Sports stadiums and fields

Shows and live occasions

Retail locations and strip malls

Air terminal, prepare and transport stations

Galleries and guest attractions

For More any Information Regarding call us 07837978199.

Led Advertising Screen

Led Advertising Screen are proposed for various using circumstances both indoor and outside by using such advances as photoelectric presentation development, video development, blended media development, framework development, PC technique and modified control development to indicate diverse information segments, for instance, words, works, pictures, drawing, development, stock reference and what’s more extraordinary sight and sound information and TV and video signals. The showcase board is molded by drove parts and has such great conditions as predominant quality, awe inspiring shading, wide evident point, stable operation, long organization life and low power use. In light of its unit specific advancement, the degree of the drove demonstrate board can be adaptably controlled by essential.

LED sunshinedisplaysystem allow marketing experts the ability to connect with their customers like never before and sunshinedisplaysystem offer a vast gathering of focal points over routine printed media.

Workplaces can offer furthermore publicizing per territory, with the ability to arrange different detects each day while cutting both creation costs and lead times. Moreover, LED’s splendor ensures wonderful champion for marketing experts, with rich, vivacious shades and excellent clarity in day or night conditions.

Clearly, in non-roadside ranges, LED publicizing can consolidate full moving imagery and video, making fast, immersive headways that intrigue thought.

We value the trial of making and presenting fantastic, creative and productive LED publicizing screens for our clients. We have worked with the recreations stadiums and retail business endeavors to make outdoors LED elevating screens to suit their monetary plans and briefs.

Our expansive association in these domains enables us to offer different imaginative and versatile LED publicizing packs expected to give proprietors a smart ROI through presenting significant LED outside screens at significantly forceful rates and pay arranges.

Pass on your considerations to us, whatever stage they are at, and use our LED additional huge screen involvement. Our staff are here to breath life into them. We’ll increase your monetary arrangement to get a rapid benefit for your LED wide screen outside theory.

For more purposes of enthusiasm on our full extent of immeasurable LED publicizing screens, please complete our enquiry structure, email us or call us 07837978199.

Led Outdoor Screen

We are additionally occupied with bringing in, providing and trading a tremendous exhibit of LED Outdoor screens. Produced with the guide of cutting edge advances using quality segments at our merchants’ plant, these screens are perfect to be utilized for publicizing and limited time needs furthermore in wearing occasions and partnered. In addition, the range is stringently checked and tried before its dispatch with the goal that customers get immaculate items.

Our organization has set benchmark by offering LED Outdoor Screens Video Display to the customers. Offered go has been breezed through different quality affirmation tests to guarantee the nature of item. This item is accessible in client characterized particular and can be redone according to the prerequisites of the customers. Outside LED Video Display is made from most recent innovation and top notch quality material.


* High effectiveness

* High execution

* Long battery reinforcement


Pitch 16(mm)

Module Size 256(mm)×256(mm)

Module net 24(pcs)

Module Resolution 16×16dot)

Bureau Size 1024(mm)×768(mm)

Determination/bureau 64×48(dot)

Thickness 3,906(dot/)

Pixel Configuration 2R 1G 1B

Driven Standard DIP546

LED Indoor Screen

Our association is locked into the matter of sourcing and providing a grouping of LED Indoor Screens. The entire range that we offer is obtained under the strict supervision of our master securing specialists and further interrogated before their dispatch with the goal that customers get impeccable products.In our arrangement of sourced and provided electronic gadgets, we additionally have a broad variety of LED Indoor Screen to meet the differing prerequisites of our esteemed clients. These show screens are broadly refreshing for their prevalent picture quality, exquisite plans, low power utilization and different others.

The fundamental standard for utilization of this kind of LED Display Screen is the necessity of high clarity at a generally close review remove. The principle elements of Indoor Display Screens are:

Utilize great LED, have high productivity radiance, diminished constriction of brilliance, high steadiness and unwavering quality.

Culminate hostile to static precautionary measures: can decrease the harm of LED tube, control the glitch dab rate is lower than 5/1000000 consistently.

Utilize propelled handling innovation, ensure for high caliber and long-lifetime

The splendid contrast of any two pixels is under 20%,it guarantees our LED show’s consistency in shading and shine, in maintain a strategic distance from “sprinkle” “glare” “mosaic” and obscure.

Low-spending plan, high pixel thickness, more distinctive and stable pictures (No Flickering).

Can be regularly utilized under the temperature between – 25 and +75 .

With creation limit of 2,000 m2 for every month, can ensure for generation cycle and conveyance cycle.

Counting: PH5.08, PH6, PH7.62, PH8, and so forth.

Led moving message display boards

Our clients can benefit an extensive variety of LED Moving Message Display Boards from us. These are utilized to show any sort of message with most recent elements and applications. These items are generally utilized as a part of workplaces, stock trade, transport terminals, air terminals, railroad stations, shopping centers, banks and numerous different spots. The offered show board is furnished with smaller scale controller innovation. This board can show multi lingual representation and is easy to use too. It is vitality proficient and made as per the most recent era technology.Made as per the business measures and standards, our range is offered in various sizes, models, outlines and other related details to meet individual prerequisites of the customers. Aside from this, our specialists help us in increasing most extreme customer fulfillment.


• Including highlight of date, day and time on load up

• Available in various size and distinctive dialects

• Low control utilization

• Allows easy to understand programming and PC interface

• Multicolor and tricolor LEDS

• Digital highlights like LED based logos



Single module size: 320*160 mm

Parse of single module:32*16 dab

Driven sort: DIP 346

Driven game plan: 1R

Max control consumption:380W/m2